Prof. Dr. Bert Wolterbeek

Prof. Dr. Bert Wolterbeek


is scientist for Radiochemistry at the University of Technology, Delft (UTD), The Netherlands.


He is head of the Department of Radiation Science and Technology and Director of the Reactor Institute Delft (RID), a 2-MW research nuclear reactor, which is part of UTD. He has been working in the field of radiochemistry since 1982 (routes of production of radionuclides, radio-analysis and radiotracer techniques), with emphasis on process dynamics, reaction kinetics, metal physiology, environment and health, and medicine. Altogether He (co-)authors some 300 papers in international journals and conference proceedings on these and other radiochemistry topics.


Prof. Wolterbeek initiated the environmental (biomonitoring) R&D at RID-UTD and is chairman of BioMAP. He is a regular session chairman and is a member of numerous program committees of international conferences. He is a regular reviewer for the leading radiochemistry, environmental and chemistry journals, especially on issues such as environmental emissions from power plants and other industrial installations, and its (bio)monitoring by emission assessment, and a member of the editorial boards of several of these journals. He is a member of the board of the Dutch Nuclear Society, member of the section Radio- and Radiation Chemistry of the Royal Dutch Chemistry Society (KNCV), board member of the Division of Nuclear and Radio-Chemistry (DNRC) of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) and member of the Scientific Board of the UTD Institute of Safety and Security.



Dr. Emina Rmic (BA), Dr. Simone Wünschmann (DE), Dr. Sabina Zero (BA)

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