Welcome to BioMAP!

Chairman: Dr. Simone Wünschmann (DE)

Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution


BioMAP is an international scientific organization that provides an opportunity for an inter-change of ideas among researchers, policy-makers and practi-tioners in environmental sciences. Attention will be focused on qualitative and quantitative aspects on biomonitoring of atmospheric pollutants with biological species.


Topics of the workshops are mainly focused on the quality and quantity of organic and inorganic pollutants that can cause effects to the environmental compartments as water, air, soil and at last to human health.


The urgent need for monitoring the atmospheric deposition of pollutants and to identify its emission sources is still a major challenge for environmental scientists.


Since 1997 the BioMAP oganization team has arranged workshops in Argentina, Greece, Slovenia, Turkey, Russia, Italy and three times in Portugal (Lisbon (2), Azores (1)). Please have a look to our last BioMAP workshop 2022 in Naples, Italy that was organized by Prof. Dr. Simonetta Giordano, University of Naples Federico II, Italy (BioMAP9).



So, please have a look to our webpages and get an impression what Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution is about and on which subjects we are working further on. Related

to the webpages we are also very grateful to Nuno Canha from the Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa), Portugal for providing us the photos esspecially from BioMAP 7 in Lisbon.


You are interested? Maybe one day you will become a scientific participant of BioMAP...

it would be great!


                         On behalf of the board of BioMAP


                                                                                  Simone Wünschmann


                      Intention                                            Topics                                  Development

Dr. Emina Rmic (BA), Dr. Simone Wünschmann (DE), Dr. Sabina Zero (BA)

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© BioMAP - Bioindication of Atmospheric Pollution